@robertcain: thats because the heads of IW where fired after MW2 and most the developers left with them, so most of them where replaced, its not the IW we once knew and loved
But i thought most of the actual infinity ward crew left with the heads when they where fired years ago after MW2... so you mean, "EA's version of infinity ward"
@sammoth: that just means you are sane and have the use of your eyesight, starting to think danny has either lost his or gamespot are just selling themselves to the highest bidder in terms of hyping games.
@Tekarukite: that first bit didnt even make sense xD i play cod battlefront battlefield quake (yes still lol) and never once have i ever heard or seen someone having a conversation about resolution at all over those games lol, that argument is saved for pointless console fanboys to have, the rest of the world are either playing PC or too old to be having childish arguments, halo 5 though lol? and as a PC gamer i certainly wont be playing overwatch thats for sure, you really havent grasped the market or gamers at all xD
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