Nintendo is not what it used to be in my eyes, There own franchises and first party games, are what keeping them a float, that and there handhelds sad really
@KingofCabal its not a matter of what the games are played on its a matter of console tech has been and alway will be behind the times and cause the games are made on consoles first then ported to pc, Rather terrible to boot. that they get attacked.
Consoles are main reason why Most PC games run terrible or dont look as good as they could, cause there mostly all badly ported
5+ years ago they said they would not repeat the launch ps3 being a year behind. and now they say the opposite, I frankly dont care as long we stop have terrible ports
@beuneus12 @tsunami2311 whatever it dont change the fact the PARENT buys those games for there kid to play then try to blame the game maker for cause the problems. WHO BOUGHT THE GAME for the kid? MORE times then not THE PARENT BOUGHT IT. So who exactly is to blame for the parents being stupid and ignoring the ESRB LABEL?
Do they not reason its the PARENTS that buy those games THEN GIVE them to there KIDS!? Every Parent Father Mother I know DOES exactly that then Complain about the games.... The Games HAVE AO and M plastered on the front of the box for reason. yet they all buy them for there kid. The problem isnt the system its the parent that LETS the GAMES Parent there kids for them.... The Goverment getting involved in this and wasting our Taxes isnt gona stop the fact THE PARENT IS THE ONE THAT USUAL BUYS THOSE GAMES FOR THERE KID
Nvidia is already in the hardware business so its moot point to them steam on the other hard is not. Personally I dont like the idea of more Consoles hitting the market there is enough of problem with development of games on the 3 consoles and PC and PC tech suffering, cause of how behind the time the tech of consoles are and will be by the time there released. Though the STeam box does sound interesting and module upgrading is only way steam box would work and continue to work with newer games
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