everyone just like to sue. basicly if money can be made off suing it is done, just look at apple samsung. but then that back fired on apple seeing samsungs sells spiked a great deal after that
Now there is name I have not heard in long time, But then I didnt really like the series back then either, Might have something to do with I dont like Fighting games
EA Strkes again.... EA needs to stay the **** out develop decesions for the Sub companies they own. Bioware was great up into EA start puting there noise in the game development decesions.
Watch EA Fucks over DA franchise like they did C&C
@Urizen5 I must of missed the part where nintendo lost the hardcore games and where left with the causal and nintendo fantics.. Evey they said this to the public. Dont get me wrong I loved nintendo, and owned ever console they ever made up to gamecube. Wii I tried and friend house and despised it and its controller and it lack of and good games, other then there own franchises and xenoblade.
Wii U look to be the same bs all over again, just with now tablet sized controller and "possible" true 1080p games? Nintendo has fallen from grace imo.
that clips of games didnt look any better then the ps3/360 counter parts... I wonder if they where using fake 720/1080p res too....
I really am dispointed with this Controller BS nintedo been doing, first it was the nuncuks controller now it a tablet sized controller.... Nintendo has made some great consoles in the past, and ever better franchises, but I think it time for nintendo to either step up and get there act together or go software only
also that was demo on pc with far better specs then then 360-ps3 there is no way either those 2 system will be able to pull off what we seen in that trailer
i might be intrested in getting this if the collection is the right price. just to have them all in one place. even though anything after X was terrible imo
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