About the whole Lee from the walking dead thing ...
I'm African American. My first thought was, "why does he have to be in the back of a squad car ...." Followed by, "well let's just see what they do with his character ... please don't have him use slang ... please".
I was happy with the end result.
Still, I was shocked to see a black character in the lead role. Even more surprised to see him handled so well.
Why is everyone upset? I'm old enough to remember this game; I actually owned it. I didn't like it then, I'm sure I wouldn't like it now ... I'm with Tom on this one.
You do realize that most folks, including myself, have issue finding these pod casts. They never make the list on the front page.
Just a suggestion, they should go into the news feed (I'm guessing there's read tape to be added to the 6 tile display on the top of the home page ... the news feed will work just as good though).
tu2pac's comments