I'm sorry to hear about your road test. :c In VA, for the road skills test, you can make four minor infractions (forgetting to use your turn signal, turning onto an exit too fast, and stuff like that) before you fail. Then there are things that are automatic failures, like hitting a tree or another car.
Speaking of movies (because that's totally the main topic in this thread currently), anyone else see the trailer forWreck-It Ralph? It's a Disney movie dedicated to gamers and it looks pretty damn good. It's also not made by Pixar, even though it kinda looks like it is.GreenFire95
Yeah, when I heard about it, I wasn't really interested and then I saw the trailer (!). I hope it's good.
I bought Animal Crossing from Amazon, anyone know how it is?Mr_Jenkins
There are a few slight differences from version to version, but basically it's like a simulation game with animals and stuff and it runs around a real time calendar (so New Years in real life roughly corresponds to New Years in Animal Crossing). I think they're a lot of fun, but after I played for a while, I played less frequently (there is a lot to do, but it can get repetitive, I think, sometimes).
[QUOTE="twilightlullaby"]I want a Weyland Corporation t-shirt. :x If that doesn't work out, a potato sack is okay too. Aidan129
Your house will be appearing in Season 2. How wouldst thou like THAT decorated? At the moment, I have it like... sterile. It's mostly white with splashes of pink. And with lots of gnomes on the front lawn.
Futuristic style! I think we already talked about colors and such. Maybe.
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