@shamloo76 it is the effect of the economic crisis. Markets have been going downhill for a few years, it is just now that the results are more obvious. Actually last year we might have experienced a bloom of AAA releases but none of those was an original title. Companies decided to go the safe way, that is the sequel way.
There is one thing I do not like about AC games though and that is that there are hardly any consequences for dying/loosing. Not that it is possible to get killed in any game of the series, specially the last one.
I am happy with the current gameplay but would be super excited if more stealth was implemented along with a higher difficulty and some kind of dying penalty.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpHJyfAdFQw Best credits and credit song. Period. Not for today's audiences though. I doubt all this necessary stealth action would appeal to younger gamers.
122 hours of quality gaming in Achron multiplayer and singleplayer. Not every 6 rated title is actually good, but you can find some hidden diamonds if you look closely.
I am not sure how the AH will work out and I do not care as I will definitely not buy a single thing from there. But people nowadays will buy anything and if they are willing to give me even the slightest amount for thin air pixels they are welcomed to do so. I will keep the money in right pocket. Very safe. And they can take the might swords they so much want.
Achron shines in multiplayer. If one of you decides to swim in the deep waters of time, come find us with a friend of yours (you get 2 games for the price of one) at the official #achron irc channel. ALL games are organised there. And by this time there are tons of explanatory videos to ease you headache. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLuPEKIyiaU
twistyanddark's comments