Taking all things into concideration, This is awfully shady, I've been all over these forums for a while getting a fair view of both sides of the situation. This is what I have come up with for the defenders of eidos:
1"They never said that was a review score"
2:"Those starsare reallybullet points"
3:"Those comments were up way before the game came out, including the stars."
What I have for the attackers of eidos.
1:"There is updated information, therefore there is no reason to use the old quotes"
2:Bullet points are used to seperate different points. What are the stars being used for here?
3:"By placing 5 stars next to a comment that says the game is great, You are inviting people to assume the game got a 5 star review.
I am on the side against eidos, because It seems shady to have those comment on the main front page, shown one at a time with the stars (they even have a glowing exploding effect to the graphic) visible in front of each comment. since neither of these sources (to my knowledge) review games in stars, it looks like eidos has already been preplanning an escape tactic in case somone noticed.
EDIT: I see now that gamespy does in fact review with stars. I don't know if this helps or hurts their cause.
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