@malachi: That's not going to be until like 2018 - 2019 for consoles so god knows when that will come to steam
@chris91090: For a heal its completely useless in combat situations, unlike where other healers can heal while on the move etc.
Console is going to fail, can already see it.It will have the usual few Nintendo games, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Mario tc, then just die out slowly, but i really hope i'm wrong and the console ends up being like the snes with hundreds of games in each genre.
Obviously the game wasn't cancelled for no reason, you guys need to stop being babies.It must have been real bad, also not surprised either, Platinum's last game, the Turtles was abysmal.
Very true, love this game but i wish they would speed the hell up with new maps etc.I also wish they would allow people to pick/edit what maps to play on as i hate control maps so much.
TxuZai's comments