Where is the option for none? They need to bury Sonic, awful franchise, 95% of the games have been awful.I wouldn't mind playing a Sonic game where they kill off the terrible characters (which is most of them) in a horrific way.
Play of the match, 80% of the time its Bastion, the cheapest and overused character in the game, just pick a corner, set up turret and camp.I do like though that people have not been giving Bastian players the vote after the match even though they were MVP.
**** of CoD, just doing this for some good publicity after all the hate the new game has got.Would rather just donate.
Be prepared for thousands of broken games, bloated saves and countless new fps/glitches/problems.Adding mods to a game that's already a mess and broke, great idea! How about fixing all the problems first.
DID I SEE REGIS!!!For the people who don' know much about the Witcher, its Geralt's Higher Vampire travelling buddy.
TxuZai's comments