"Something"- The Demon's Forge. Returned it the next day. Made up some story about how it wasn't working, when it really just sucked. I can't even remember the title it was so lame.
PS3, doesn't offer demos for all gamesgetyeryayasout
You know what? I should've put this down. What the hell is with the demos on PSN? I have never heard of half the games on there, and now they're making you pay for PlaystationPlus for anything that's even remotely interesting!
The home screen becomes unbearably slow when I'm playing a game on the PS3. Writing a message when playing a game takes the patience of a saint. Which I do not have.
I ship out to basic for the air force in... a week. So yeah, you can say I've thought about it. Really screwed up the timing with it though. Basic training is one thing, but basic training smack damn in the middle of summer in Texas is another. Still looking forward to it though.
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