lol do i have to put a pic up to show you what im dealing with? maybe that will help clear this up
uberbra's forum posts
morale of the story, look at who you are grinding, before you grind
haha dude too true.. but she DID look pretty @ the dance because she had her hair done & makeup on and all.. its just everyday-wise she doesnt look as good. Shes NOT ugly though, i can tell you that
Ok so basically i went to our school's dance last night and danced with several girls, and after going from girl to girl i randomly came up behind this one girl and started "dancing" (grinding) and we danced for over 1/2 the entire dance that night. i was getting unsure if she was pretty or not when i danced with her, but eventually she turned around and i saw her and she looked pretty enough, and we got back to dancing and we held hands and held each other and grinded for a long time, (and had a very deep hug after the final slow song) until the dance was over.
And as i drive home i get a txt from a mutual friend of ours who gave me the girl i danced with's number.So i get home, feelin good, and add her on facebook. this morning when i check out her pictures, i find out that shes not too attractive (she was really dolled-up for the dance compared to her everyday look, shes like a 6/7 out of 10), and shes a softmore (im a senior) and now im feeling kinda confused/scared/mad, because i feel like i kinda wasted the night (i feel terrible saying that, because i had a good time, but i think i missed oppourtunities to meet other girls), and my friends saw, a few of which know her, and i know a lot of people saw us dancing so i dont really know if this is gonna effect my reputation or not with other girls/friends.
She isnt ugly, but not too cute either (nice butt though..) but yeah i really dont know what to do now, especially since shes knows i have her number now. Is it possible i could try and just be friends with her? Or should i just txt her and say whats up? I really dont know what to do, and i really dont wanna start off my senior year with relationship problems & a bad rep around school, so PLEASE give a brother some advice!
(as a side note, her hot friend added me as a friend on facebook, so maybe i could do something about that?)
but yeah, any advice is appreciated.
Ok heres my quetion, why do people always try do defend the bible with MORE quotes and lines from the bible? trying to defend your argument ofthe bible WITH the bible makes no damn sense, its just saying "well im just gonna throw more stuff your way that your gonna already beforehand gonnadissaprove of, and maybe if im lucky i might make a point while im at it". I dont think enoughchristian debates are done outside of the context of the bible, I've seen athiests and all play both sides of the field(dont get me wrong, im not on their side) with both logical arguements and using the bible for reference, but not so muchfrom people who are defending their religion (they tend to stick a little to close to the book in my mind). But hey, thats just my observation, i could be wrong :)
[QUOTE="uberbra"]Where do I even begin... :roll:screw the bible, its caused more harm than good.
ok i take that back, but seriously, all that traditionalist religious crap is holding us back. why the hell study the bible when you can go to church in sunday school and learn it? Waste of time for kids if you ask me, especially with educational funding cutbacks across the board in this economy, we dont need our schools to provide what we can already get aplenty. My god do i hate the south...
screw the bible, its caused more harm than good.
ok i have never had the oppourtunity to say this before so im siezing the moment now..
Police officers are given power, and authority, and responsibility. Only one of those you really need. dont abuse the other two, its stuff like that that makes me HATE cops..
wow thats both sad AND hilarious....
Ok so i just had my first day of school and i loved it, especially since i got to use my moms car (nice ol' shiny honda pilot) and i loved the fact that since i have to get up early and i get out early (6:15-11:55) i have a lot of freedom after school to do whatever i want. the CRAP part is that i will only get the car once more this week and i REALLY hate taking our public bus system (it SUCKS ***) and i just decided that i want a car. now.
i have $1000 in my bank account right now, and my parents said they would match whatever i payed, so thats 2 grand that i have to spend willy-nilly on a car, so does anyone have any good suggestions on what kinda good used car i could get for $2000?
If that were true, the internet would be full of old geezers.
:lol: i LOL'D hard :lol:
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