So I finished FFCC: The Crystal Bearers.... and over all I think it was a good game
but it does not go without its problems
the game started off amazingly in my opinion... great fun.... none of the actual motion controls cause any problems... in fact its the lack of some controls that caused problems.... through most of the game this isn't a big deal but as the enemies get tougher it can get annoying
The first thing is it is a pain to look up.... imagine playing Zelda with the Wiimote and having to use the control pad to look up and down.... the control pad is just out of the way.... it doesn't flow well with the controls at all and often I would stress out in areas that required looking up.... luckily you can get through most the game without needing to look up or down but the times you need to are noticeably annoying.... there were a few enemies that could own you hard simply because your view sucked.... I think when you point your cursor up and down the screen should move with it
next the lack of a lock on.... now the whole game is about locking on.... but to my knowledge(and attempts) you can not lock on to enemies(for real).... now you do lock on but what I mean is if you turn around the enemy will go off your screen and your "lock on" will go away.... meaning if your fighting a quick tough enemy..... you will be running away blindly and working just to turn around hoping it left itself open.... I really only had a problem with this on like a couple enemy types(only one comes to mind) which were rare and late in the game..... the problem is not only do you have to run away blindly but they were also tall... so they took the 2 problems with the controls and made an enemy that counters them perfectly.... it made the fights against these opponents more of a luck fest than a fight..... also.... I don't want to spoil anything but part of the final boss fight is horribly cheap and just takes speed and luck..... which I found ridiculous(imagine an enemy using an ultra attack you have no way of predicting... ya BS)
I'm sure your thinking "wow this game sounds bad" or "wow this guy just picks everything to death" but that's not true.... I don't think this is a bad game at all.... and those problems were very noticeable
some good points of the game were the motion controls... its surprising how well you can throw stuff at people(or actual enemies if you feel like playing the game correctly) I ran around picking up and lobbing items/people at other people and enemies no problem at all.... it took very casual actions with no need to stand up and make sure the wiimote doesn't have a seizure.... one thing though.... I did realize there is a way to aim throwing items but I think there should be a slight auto aim or a more areal effect on items.... there were times I would throw something that nearly hit the enemy but was an inch off and the item would not effect them which could get annoying considering the random enemy movement
I also really enjoyed the characters and for the most part the environment.... the combat was fun enough and although areas are not very large (yet not completely linear) there was a lot of extra stuff to do.... the game is still way to short though.... I beat it in like 13 hours which is with some side quests and exploring.... I didn't do nearly everything because although there is a good amount of extras... they are all pretty much little games of sorts...(they didn't feel like wii mini games but either way mini games aren't the most exciting thing in the world) one thing that I didn't like was how enemies spawned... pretty much enemies spawn for a certain amount of time and if you kill them in that time you are awarded... if not the area will go to being peaceful( all enemies disappear) and then after a while enemies will spawn again and you are timed again.... the first time you own enemies in the time limit you get a good reward after that they will keep spawning over and over but then the reward wont be anything special... I don't like being timed and it is really frustrating when your on the last enemy and the time runs out (meaning you have to kill them all again the next time they spawn) ya very annoying
It may seem like I don't like the game but I actually loved it and think it's very underrated(I am happy I bought it)
the game deserved a 7 from gamespot in my opinion... a 5 is harsh and even a 6 is pretty bad.... I have played unplayable games with those ratings and this game is for sure playable.... sadly the community made a 5 and 6 into bad ratings rather than average.... but gamespot knows this so the rating should be higher.... I myself would have given the game an 8 originally but at the end of the game the few frustrations just brought it down to a 7.... but in my head a 7 is pretty good because it seems half the games I really like get them..... can't trust the game websites to rate JRPG's well in my opinion.... they are way to random with their opinions
btw I know I don't write with proper grammar... I'm lazy and suck at grammar in the first place so those separate bundles are not meant to be paragraphs I just sort ofseparated topics ;D
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