wish there was more scruffy, rough, dark medieval stuff out there.... seems everything is about rome or some kind of fantasy that doesn't really capture the period.... I know this is fantasy but it feels medieval.... anyways it's not like I don't like that stuff but dark Medieval is great
wish life was unlimited so I had time to spend billions of hours on any mmo I think looks somewhat interesting..... but I don't have time to play this.... if anything I'm getting Guild Wars two....sadly I might not even have time for that :(
I don't really use everything my xbox is capable of now....I don't even really care about blueray....practically never use bluerays with my ps3....but since that's becoming more and more the norm and actually starting to be reasonably priced blue ray is kind of necessary...... I mostly use my xbox for online and netflix....my ps3 for just netflix.... so I just want it to do what it already does better.... maybe new stuff would be cool but i'm not to worried about it
I have a few buddies that are going to dooki bricks over this game.... never got mega into the series but have always respected it.... and based on how much they put into the characters and such this should stick with all the action shooters in the competition
pretty bad azz..... pretty sweet he actually looks like death when he goes all mega awesome.... I originally thought they were just making their own version of what death might look like but they have the classic hooded awesomeness as well ;)
would be pretty cool if this came to the Wii U....I plan to get that and I would definitely get this......the first one was boss but I did just unexpectedly get a 3DS so I might just play it on that at least first
combat looks horrid.... like not even fun but I'm down to give this a try.... my computer isn't the best though and I wanted to try the first one first....
uglypinkmoose's comments