If your into modern day fantasy then I would recommend The Dresden Files series, starting with Storm Front.
ultimakay's forum posts
The GS around my parts is pretty good. I trade in games only when I can capitalize on the deals and get 35-40% extra on my trades. I also buy used games there and again only when I can get a good deal. The only time I buy new from GS is when I preorder, because I know I will get a factory sealed copy. If I want to buy a new game anytime after release I head over to Bestbuy instead.
Gamestop actually gives back the money in whichever form you payed in, so if you payed cash for the game, they will hand cash right back to you.
I have to say in my opinion Shadow of the colossus has the best music, I loved it so much that I imported the soundtrack.
Omg it's only 10 bucks, where can I get a PSN card? I would use my parents card but it'd be a lot easier if I could get a card, are they only sold in Japan?
I need more info please.
I'm in america, and they sell them at gamestop, bestbuy, possibly target and walmart. They can also be found at gas stations and 7-11s. I know they are sold in europe as well, but I have no clue where. The cards come in $20 and $50 denominations.
I'm keeping my GO, but its still ridiculousthat there was about nothing added to the store. Sony said on day one that there would be 250 games, and there are currently 120 full games + 66 PS1 games + 7 Minis = 193 Games total. This is still 57 less than what they promised. Not to mention the games that should have been downloadable from the start like Dissidia, Crisis Core, MGS; PO, Lumines, Both GTA games, Ace combat and Tekken dark Resurrection just to name a few.
It should be, because if companies don't release there games for download then they are limiting there sales potential by cutting off go users.
I am looking for some good PS1 games that are available for download that I have overlooked. I have or have already played Crash 1/2/3/CTR, Castlevania SOTN, MGS1, Spyro 1/2/3, Cool Boarders 1/2/3, Rayman 1/2, Jet moto 1/2, and Twisted metal 2. Is there any other PS1 games you'll would recommend for the PSP? Thank you for your time.
I got GT yesterday, and will probably get Motorstorm sometime in the future when it gets a price drop.
Oh cool thanks but how do I tell what reigon my game is from?
I'm pretty sure you haven't bought the game as well but if you really don't know the regions thing its in whatever part of the world you bought it from, so did you buy it from America, Europe, Asia, or another large region which has not been mentioned?
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