ultimaxer / Member

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ultimaxer Blog


Ok so i checked the new brawl update, and now you can be the original pokemon trainer from red and blue! He sits on the sidelines and sends out 3 different pokemon, squirtle, ivysaur, and charizard. They share a stamina meter so when they're out of health, it counts as a death. It is a pretty cool idea and i hope they do it right. This is one more reason to buy brawl!

It aint over 'til the top screen breaks off.

ok. I have not been on for two weeks, first week was camp which was AWSOME!!! when i got home i picked up my ds, ready to play pokemon, and BAM out of NOWHERE, the top screen falls off. so i am DS-less...for a while anyway. Second week was lake cabin, pretty fun, i was forced to play my GBA SP. Oh well, i had some fun with harvest moon, kirby pinball, and pokemon pinball. well thats it, i need to make my blogs longer...lol... BYE!

Extended break


Hey everyone, I have been at my friend, austin's house for 5 days in a row!!! mostly we have been playing with his new wii he recently got. Well... theres not much more to write about so, bye!

Level 10/PkMn Pearl!!!

Hey hey hey! I', level 10 just in time for e3!!!!

Also i got paid and i got PkMn Pearl! If you guys have it, give me your friend code and we could battle sometime... BYE!!!

Workin for the cash

Hey everyone! i havent been writing blogs late because i've been working my butt of for some extra cash. but its worth it. I am getting $50 to help my dad install a sprinkler system. Fun? I THINK NOT! I've had to dig at least 15 trenches, which makes my back want to break in half. I've had to connect countless pipes. I have had to FILL UP ALL THE HOLES I'VE ALREADY DUG! (Its a lot harder thn it sounds) But it is worth the 50 dollars. With it i am buying pokemon pearl (not diomand, too many people have it) And a few CDs. That's it....


UPDATE: My dad came into my room and said the words i've been waiting for.

"I owe you fifty dollars"

YAY!!! so later this week i am getting pokemon pearl and some other stuff, cyaz!

Icon get!

Hey everyone, if you havent figured it out, i have a new icon. My old one was Paintroller from some of the kirby games. Now my new one is Zero from the megaman X series... Anyway tell me how you like it and tell meif i should go back to my old icon or keep my new one... Or if i should get a COMPLETLY new one.

Thats it, bye

Naruto movie!

hey guys, call me a nerd but...








hehe, yes i am a nerd, but ive liked naruto ever since it came out and i get to skip church to see the movie! ill tell all you people who ARE naruto fans how good the movie was, but you cant see it because its one showing only... i wonder if its going to come out on DVD? thats all.


Wii symbols

Hey guys! im on a wii right now and there are some symbols not on a normal keyboard, ill post some and see if they work on the computer, here they are ±§¿™©®♪♭ªº¢€£¥àáâäåæçãèéêëìíîïñòóôùöœøõßúûüýÿÀÁÂÄÅÆÃÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÖŒØÕÙÚÛÜÝŸαβγδεζηθικ λμνξοπρστυφχψωΓΔΑΒΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ;΄΅Ά·ΈΉΊΌΎΏΐΪΫάέήίΰςϊϋόύώ◎☆○◇□△ thats it, see ya next time!

im bored

Hey everyone, im bored. Well, me and nate are going to T-92's house to do a GGG podcast. Also, we will also be having a show monday-ish with old systems. Nate got the systems wrong(lol) the systems that will be there are NES, SNES, Sega Genesis(possibly), and atari. That is all.

im back!

Hey everyone! im back after an extended break. Ok ive just been playing custom robo arena the whole time... Well that game is great and i highly recommend it for any1 with a ds. Once again im back and will be on more often

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