@dbrtwo Ha! Just look at PC games like Diablo III and the soon-to-be-released SimCity. At least these are for PC and can be cracked. Console games would be a little more difficult.
Sequels don't have to be bad, but once there's more than three games in a series, I start to get tired of it.
(You'll notice my avatar is from the intro of MYST, my alltime favorite game. I've only played up to the 3rd game in this series, and it's the only series I've ever considered playing past the 3rd game.)
@DRspence Wait... so you accuse some of the PS3 sales of not being for gaming, and act like that's a horrible thing. Then you acknowledge the fact that more than a few XBOXs were sold to replace ones that were previously red-ringed and act like that's a good thing?
(Also, do you have solid proof that "all xbox 360s sold , all used for gaming first and foremost. [sic]"?)
I own a PS3 because of the wonderful exclusives. Sure, I enjoy some Halo now and then, but playing for a couple hours on that isn't nearly as fun as trolling folks in LittleBigPlanet.
(Which is one of the most fun things I have ever done in multiplayer on any game, I have to admit.)
The thing is, if all the companies stopped making consoles, after a while someone would say, "Hey, I bet there's a market for computers dedicated to gaming for people who are too lazy to put one together!" (Which is me, by the way.)
I really like my consoles, though, mostly for the exclusives. If Sony stopped making consoles and instead made games for PC, I would still be happy. :\
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