@GLOBALv I can see what you're saying; not that it's a bad game, just that there isn't really more to get out of it after one playthrough.
@mkeezay22 @mike468 > like they couldn't drop you out of a van or UFO on last gen lol.Yeah.... I'm pretty sure that's the joke.
@nl_skipper I believe I heard someone say around 3.5 hours, but don't quote me on that.Or do, I don't care.
@Horndawgie @Mommas_b_o_y > You can keep telling yourself the game is goodYes, that's what forming your own opinion means.
@GSGuy321 I can't take anyone seriously when they refer to people who can afford a game console a "peasant."
@Alyzen @unaminous @RicanV I built my paper airplane myself so I can play AWL the paper airplane games on the HAIGHEST settings. AIRPLANE MASTERRACE FTW
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