What group is that? If it's for a game like Arma or something I understand but for a game like this it's more a waste of time than a strategic playthrough.
@themc_7 @undercover30 @scbond @CharlesBurns I mean Sims like iRacing, GTR, Asseto Corsa. Forza and GT are close but not there. Yeah they can get better but still, not close.
@themc_7 @scbond @CharlesBurns I don't think GRID was even close to a real sim. Of course it was much much better than these pieces of nonsense coming out, but its not a sim. Once you play real sims, you just know the difference. It's closer than GRID 2 and (from what I see) GRID Autosport.
@Stebsis @Greyskin1 That site is a piece of nonsense IMO. Many games it says I cant run I have run on medium settings. I don't use that site anymore, its happened so many times.
@Furwings @billlabowski Not really. We dont need to buy a new VC every 8 months, make it two years.Or atleast 1 1/2. We dont need to stop Adobe, antivirus or updates unless we have a really shitty PC
. Consoles do well because they are a nice package in terms of price and performance (for like 2 years, after that games [technically] become the same).
But otherwise, PC's have a longer lifespan. And I'm pretty sure that you need PC's to make any games :P
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