a keyboard that would run on the wifi or something and or a usb connected network card thats inexpensive that would be heaven for me...........AND DOWNGRADERS :D
well i tightened it and i was testing it and it was still doing it but then after i kinda moved it and as of now its perfect and yeah it was kinda loose...ok but if this doesn't work does that means i have to get a new psp???
Well i think if sony and nintendo get together and make like a zelda title but then an online play where its like a story line online would be the one and only killer game ever but thats impossible :( :(
ok its simple make sure the game has the online play...next it will send u 2 a connection setting thingy....then u put side i think u will c it will ask u 2 scan or manual just put scan.....then it will find it then choose your router (in the city everyones has one so make sure its yours) then put password (if applicable) then if u want 2 manualy put the ip adress and stuff just let the psp do it automaticly then copy the info then plug it in (i did that becouse ppl was stealing internet freaking losers : ) ) and thats it ur good 2 go buddy if anything message me : )
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