stay safe and keep rockin' thoz GAMES !!
undergroundfrog Blog
Your Views on Future Systems Backwards Compatibility...
by undergroundfrog on Comments
how would backwards campatibility fair in the future of consoles ?
would people still play a physical PS1 title on a PS4 ?
or should games just be re-released as Virtual Console/Xbox Live/Playstation Network ?
would enjoy reading YOUR views on this topic :)
THANX in advance
Games You CANNOT live without
by undergroundfrog on Comments
What games in Your Collection could you never part with ?
I heart all my games but I could totally not live w/out:
-Assassin's Creed (PS3)
-Assassin's Creed II: Discover (DS)
-Bioshock (PS3)
-Bioshock 2 (X360)
-Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2)
-Dead Space (PS3)
-Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)
-Devil May Cry 4 (X360)
-Guitar Hero 5 (Wii)
-Left 4 Dead (X360)
-Mega Man Collection (GC)
-Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii)
-Plants vs. Zombies (IP)
-Resident Evil (GC)
-Resident Evil 3 (PS)
-Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition(Wii)
-Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
-Rock Band (Wii)
-Rock Band 2 (PS3)
-Silent Hill 3 (PS2)
-Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Wii)
-Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis)
-Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PS2)
-Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
-Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
-The Orange Box (PS3) (b/c of "Portal")
Dead Space (PS3) After-Thoughts -- Since beating the game (spoilers)
by undergroundfrog on Comments
When I got "Dead Space" I gave the game a score of 10.0
Since I have beaten the game, I would give it a 9.0
A few things knock the score down a bit...
1. The Asteroid Shooting
2. The Outside of ship Boss
... nearly killed the game for me -- I am hoping Dead Space 2 will not add things like that. But "Dead Space" is still a rockin' game :)
If Eighth Generation Consoles were to go Download Only...
by undergroundfrog on Comments
would you still buy one ?
I don't mind downloading games (I have quite a few DLC) but it kind of scares me of a Download-Only Console ...
even if the console was backwards comp. w/ discs, it still kind of horrifies ,me
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