2079, A.D. -- The Pridelore have taken over the my planet. These Alien-Like Creatures use humans for labor, combat, resources...(food). The lucky humans work until their dying breath. But the poor bastards with rare DNA inside their hearts are the ones the Pridelore use for delicious snacks. I know this for I was once on the dinner list. Eaten, digested and thrown out into the desert, the remains of the stuff the Pridelores couldn'tuse, my skeleton. How could I be telling this story if I was eaten like a lunch meat sandwich? A funny thing happened to me right before I was eaten, I happened upon a magical sword known as Gasper Laypen. The Sword had a special syrup-like substance that bond the materials together. I nicked myself while pulling the Gasper Laypen out of the magical fountain it was set in. It must have acted like an anti-death syndrome along with my DNA. Thus, I was alive, but only in a skeleton form. I had to get back and save the people of Town Biggem. But what was a skeleton to do...?
2083, A.D. -- I wondered the Desert of Mychael for what seemed like an eternity. Trying to out-pace the Goblin Worms and the Peeked Charlottes who could digest my bones. The Pridelore sent a magical Stop Watch to make time infinite in this desert, just to be on the safe side if something like me managed to live. I had to make it to the magical Stop Watch, destroy it and still live with those goons out there. I had to use my brain, or lack there of, and I had to use it now.
"Be gone, You foul beasts!" I eclaimed. a Peeked Charlotte was on my boney tail. Its red eyes could stop one's heart. But thankfully I didn't have one. I stumped the creature by slipping into the shadows of a near by cave. They aren't the brightest things. Luckily, the Peeked Charlotte got confused and continued its chase elsewhere.
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