I posted a funny video of Hitler going mad over losing his xbox live account into off topic forums,It was locked because it MENTIONED xbox,it was nothing but a funny video just like the chocolate milk one and others. I asked why it was locked and was told it was in the wrong place and also because i did not provide a link to the vid in my post. I sent another message explaining I cant post links from my PS3 as it cant do that ,I also explained that I do not own a pc ,only PS3 and I use that for surfing and posting etc....his next reply was,well maybe you should use a PC, I mean wtf right has he to be so arrogant like that. I checked his profile and its obvious he is a 360 owner and he is a huge fanboy of xbox ,he told me the video was in the wrong place becaus a tiny part he watched mentioned the 360.Mod fanboys of 360 power to rub out ps3 users posts just because they are... a fanboy....perplexing to say the least. The video is called Hitler gets banned,(YOUTUBE)
MS forked out 50 mill for the rights but only for the first year,unless sony pay MS a few mill im afraid PS3 will have to wait another 11.1 months for DL content.
Ya I agree NXTGN ,@ least Haze has solid good colour,I guess people nowadays just love Tinfoil lol aluminium GFX yeeey I can keep my bacon fresh with GOW!.
Lol you guys make me laugh everytime you complain about GFX ,IM a self confessed GFXW and I like the GFX in this,then again I hated UT3 and GOW because of the foil wrap crappy GFX,I think people moaning about Haze are more into Foil wrapped GFX and crappy colours. I think people need to judge themselves about Haze and not be swayed by fanboys of crappy games like GOW and UT3. I think the remark about the ps2 GFX being better is the funniest thing I read all week. IM buying Haze and guess what,IM going to enjoy it.
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