Deejay,It could be just some new guy they hired with a big new screwdriver yes,but the circles I move in seem to think this has some worth,stay tuned and enjoy the topic guys,I will post more when it comes out for those interested. I am (not IM ) pleased by the responce of this thread,even a GS Mod showing his interest,lol even if he is only looking for little green men,J/K Mod. Thanks again and I look forward to discussion on this tomorrow.
COWMAN ,its possible they have found life on an earth like planet that was found last year,its one and a half the size of earth and has a constant temp of 40 but im sure its not this,its also possible they are talking about planet X but again i doubt it,this leaves me thinking about the dark matter as its the only thing the chandra X-ray observatory would be looking for .Still nice to wonder though,thats what its all about.
Membarino IM sure you see what my point was with GTA 4. I have to say though,if you never look at the stars and wonder then you have my sympathy ,I can not imagine a world standing alone in the vast universe,I ask people if they think the universe has life in it and when they say no I say,Well we are here. Have you ever looked at the beginning of creation through hubble? take a look its beutiful and scary at the same time,have you ever read any work by einstein on UFT or Hawkins,this is my passion and i have a vast understanding of everything from Q-Z ,this is just to explain to you that your welcome to post but keep in mind i have absolutely no need to explain or push you into another persons interests,just as you have no right to pick apart something you perhaps understand but do not grasp.
Membarino this is excellent news to us in the field ,perhaps not so to a layman ,This to me is like GTA 4 was to you. If you have no interest in this then please stop posting,IM also happy to discuss this further and explain anything you do not understand.
Well IM sure you know Black holes are made from dark matter,unless you would like to argue with Hawkins and Einstein think Event Horizon is a Movi Just think if we found Dark matter in our system,way to close for comfort. The data will come from Nasas Chandra X-ray observatory which leads me to the Dark Matter theory . As for Event horizon this is a boundry in space time surrounding a black hole that the chandra x-rays would/could pick up I sure hope your remark about it just being a Movie was a joke (throws a lifeline).
As I said before we now have a trickle of people posting on the negative about this.Guys please do not mock what you do not understand and let us theologians have our moment. Please do not post unless you wish to be part of a serious discussion ,if you dont understand I will be happy to explain anything if you are interested,just refrain from turning this thread into childish banter.Thanks for understanding.
Thanks fellas,im pleased your excited as I am also,It would begreat if this turned out to be more than expected,if your wondering why this has not been seen on News channels its becaus it is under an embargo by Nasa and the leading scientific magazines. I think its a case of just checking but a contact at Nasa told me 2pm but could happen after midnight after the embargo stands no more. Nasa like to big up themselves as we know from past information but i have to say this actually could be HUGE judging by the crazyness going on in the forums,I research and theorise quantum physics with an open mind and things like this excite me.
Make sure to check the NASA site tomorrow ,NASA say they have found something they have been searching over 50 years for and will simultaneously hold press conference and live NASA TV feed to announce what it is. Many are speculating it could be a signal from inside our own system (NASA did say its close) in reality im going along with Dark Matter and the possibility of an event horizon ..this would be huge in deed. Obviosly the cranks will hit this topic in force with tales of little green men but for those who know anything about this could be a huge thing! Google and search for this news if you are inclined to do so.
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