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My PS3 broke

Yep, apperantly the lens has burned out, so all of my PS3 games are useless. Luckily I can still play downloadable games, listen to music, msg ppl, get on the internet, etc. I just can't do the 1 main thing its designed to do:(

I haven't called in yet to see how much it'll cost to be replaced, but I'm guessing it'll be $100-$150 (I don't have a warranty, and even if I did buy one it would probably have expired by now). Yeah thats just what I needed:roll:. Oh well, at least I have all the other main systems to hold me over, a lot of people just have to sit around bored for a month:P

Forget what I said earlier

When I first heard about FF14 I was pretty mad. Its starting to warm up to me though, I had a lot of fun when XI was 1st released. And the trailer did remind me of the preFF7 final fantasy games b4 I saw the online part (which is good). So maybe as long as they make it epic, keep something similar to XI's battle, make it feel like the old FFs, and keep it to 1 mmo a gen I'll be happy. They just need to make sure XIII is Superb (and keep the JP voices as an option, I cant stand the dub I've heard so far) first, and stop milking past series if they ever want there former awesomeness back. Please Forgive my B****ing in the last blog, I just was a little pumped from E3 and was getting tired of SE's current direction. But maybe they'll get better. I mean EA has, and if they can anybody can :P Discuss away

I've finally given up on SE Plus E3 impressions

First off I'm sorry to everyone if I haven't been active or posted in your blogs (though I have tried to read all of them). I'm still not technically "back" and wont be for about a month.

On topic- Se has finally failed me by making FF14 an mmo a FREAKIN YEAR AFTER 13 COMES OUT! SE has just screwed up EVERY IP that was originally Square Soft's. They've completely forgotten about Enix as well, DQ8 was fun but they haven't even done anything else with its properties. Just look at these failures

  • they made a sequel to FFX (which square NEVER did BTW) that looked more like a barbie rpg than a FF one
  • They made FFXi an mmo.. and a bad one at that
  • XII was good, but it didn't feel like an FF in the slightest bit
  • XIII was made multiplat, which made us wait even longer for it
  • They're charging $32 for the sequel to FFIV on wii, which is a DLC only port of a phone game
  • They've changed VII from an epic masterpiece to an emo cash cow.
  • All they've put out this gen are crappy, buggy, unfinished 360 games while leaving Sony completely in the dark
  • KH2 was really good, but it had a completely different feel then KH1.
  • Plus more

Im glad they haven't touched Chrono, I might go crazy if they screwed with it. LONG LIVE ATLUS AND MISTWALKER

/my stupid rant

Now onto E3, They all had some surprises and dissapointments, but heres what I thought a little more in depth

Microsoft- Splinter Cell looked cool, everything else not so much. Stole an exclusive spinoff (GO MS FOR FAILING TO GET THE ONE PPL CARED ABOUT!), natal looked ok, not as good as the other 2's motion stuff. Milo is BS lies, just like everything Peter Molyneux makes.4th place

EA- overall pretty awesome. ME2, NFS, Madden tool, Dragon age, and Dante's Inferno all looked good. SW completely blew me away, second best game at E3. 3rd place

Ubisoft- A complete snoozfest ( i literally almost fell asleep). Dude talked about Avatar for 40 minutes, telling the entire plot, and then didn't even show the dumb thing. The Splinter Cell gameplay was the exact same thing shown at MS. There best game, NMH, was barely mentioned. On the plus side Red Steel 2 looked great. last place

Nintendo- Best overall imo due to one thing- Metroid. Im a big fan of Metroid, especially super Metroid, and it really blew me away, looks even better than the MP games and is my E3 best of show. Mario galaxy 2 looked good, as did Golden Sun, new super mario bros, and Mario rpg. Everything else was blah. I was dissapointed about no new Star Fox. 1st place

Sony- had the most good stuff, pretty consistent across the board in quality. Started strong with Uncharted, and continued with MAG. PSp go was ok, too pricey. GOW 3 was nice, MGS was a little strange but nice, and GT was ok. That racing game and the motion controls blew me away. I was dissapointed about no new TM. 2nd place

Sorry if my rants were long but I wanted to get all that out.

Tell me your E3 impressions :D

I got my pc working

So expect me to do more than basic posting... at least until it gets broken again. Also if some would could make me a new banner I'd appreciate it, as I pretty much suck at it and I had enough trouble making a new sig, avatar, and blog header

I got a new wii

I already kinda had one but technically it wasn't mine so I bought my own. If you added my last friend code I probably didn't know cause I never was able to get on it unless I just bought a new game for it, which doesn't occur often. So heres my new wii friend code, you should add me :D!


Luckily I got most of my save files transfered over pretty painlessly. Sadly the only one I couldn't copy happens to be the only one I wish I could copy, as I'd have no problem replaying NMH or Zelda. DAMN U SSBB!!! (i REEEAAALLY hate subspace emissary and I use characters that aren't there from the start) It actually makes me want to not play it, I cant stand SSBB's SP and it'll take forever to get all the characters through MP only (450 matches to be exact). Oh well. Anyways, if you want to play brawl let me know, I'd be happy to let u murder me (I really suck at SSB with everything but an N64 controller :()

So yeah add me! :D

Time for a beatdown, Street Fighter Style!

Yep thats right, street fighter 4 comes out the day after tommorow8). Any human interaction I'll have outside of school/work for the next couple months will probably only come through this game, either through online or with somebody over here. So if your getting it let me know! I'll be maining with Ken, and probably switch him up with Cammy every once in a while, at least for competitive play

And now I leave you with Round 3 of the SF3 championship at Evo 2004, with 2 of the greatest SF players on Earth. Daigo is even the current SF4 champion :D

This Gen suks

This console generation has got to be the worst gen ever, I'm bored to tears. Its just crappy shooter after crappy shooter, I'm sick of it. I literally have 6 games I'm excited for in 2009, and one of those is another SEGA collection of all things. Street Fighter 4, Resident Evil 5, Gundam Musou 2, Muramasa, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, and Dissidia Final Fantasy are the games. I haven't really felt like playing Fallout, Lost odyssey, and Persona 4 so I hooked my old SNES up, It looks really strange on a 40 inch 1080p HDTV :P. I started replaying Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger, they were some of my first games, and theyre both in my top games of all time. After playing both of these games again it really got me thinking. Even though TECHNICALY I dont own a DS (my brother has one he doesn't use, so i just use his for my DS games). most of the games I like are on it, so I'm probably gonna buy a DS soon, and make it my main system. In fact I'll probably stop playing my wii, ps3 and 360 almost completely, and just go back to my old systems. Plus theres so many good DS games I've missed so it should keep me busy. 2d RPG's, side scrollers, and beat em ups have just always been better to me than the games popular today. I guess its just cause of the time period that I started gaming. Gaming preferences were different back then. Is anyone else bored with this gen? What DS games do you think I should try out?

Shin megami tensei imagine beta and updates

So I got accepted into the beta. Its only at 5% downloaded right now, hopefully my piece of **** computer will be able to run it, I really cant wait, persona 4 is nothing short of a masterpiece and thats really hyped me up.

So now that I've payed off my tv, Ive kinda went overboard and bought quite a few games. I got DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, Mortal Kombat 2, Kingdom Hearts re chain of memories, Mortal Kombat vs DC universe, Kessen, Digital Devil Saga, Persona 4, Devil may cry 2, and Super street fighter 2 turbo hd remix. Plus I got Batman the dark knight on blu ray :D, I havent watched it yet though as Im waiting till I get my 40in 1080p HD TV :D :D :D. I'm so frickin excited! If thats not all I got an hdmi chord, though i cant really do much with it yet

Also, come christmas I wont have to share my 360 anymore, so I'll probably be on a whole lot more. Thats good since I've havent hardly been on at all this year.

Time 2 clean out the ol' friends list

U know the drill, post or ur deleted. Honestly I think most of my GS friends have left, and I wanna c who's around still :(. Plus I haven't posted a blog in forever and I wanna c if anybody reads them anymore. Of course there r people Im not gonna delete no matter wut, but even if ur 1 of those people go ahead and post Also sorry if I haven't posted on ur blog lately, this new GS is EXTREMELY hard 2 run on my ps3 (no pc) so I'm doin my best