What does games being art have anything to do with a company slacking and giving us the back hand. If this is the end of the trilogy why did I,with many others feel like it was not given a proper ending? A game about your actions and choices has real no affect on the out come of the 3rd title? What was the point of caring so much in the first two....?
story mode wasnt that amazing only like half way thru does it get good then its just over. i love halo dont get me wrong but i felt like i was bsing half the time till the real action started. i didnt feel sucked in. even lvl one was somewhat a drag i mean it wasnt that fun. shame on u bungie
there should be a top 10 reasons to own a ps3. i got every system except ps3 cause the features or games didnt catch my eye. maybe cause they wont be relesed till after summer what a drag almost towards the end of 07 most likly pushed till 08 which wont be fun =(
i love xbox and ps2 a lot !! but never played anything online except for ps2 and that was annoying as hell from my perspective (slow). now i got 360 got online everything is fast not saying ps3 isnt fast but remember its from my perspective. sure i would plop out 600$ for a ps3 no problem.its just that what am i gonna do on ps3? i mean i have 360 and most of the games that are on ps3 are also on 360. and i know more ppl with 360 so thats another reason. i know sony will become better then i can love 360 and ps3 together again but right now 360 is where its at until Ps3 gets good games n features. 360 got great titles that i enjoyed exclusive or not. ( i also got a Wii but have the same problem with it as Ps3 not that many good games. bought zelda thats about it none of the other titles seem worth it. i usally rent then buy just to be sure.)i go to block buster and ps3 has the smallest shelf of games just as big as the psp shelf =( and alot of the games are never rented for ps3. but i go to xbox, wii,ps2, and 360 section i can barly get all the cool games cause its rented out which is good that shows the games are good.i usally dont care about reviews rather then my own expericence or a friends. i will probly buy a ps3 either when something good like sonys francises from ps2 come out or just wait till 08 when its much much better.
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