@o016945 Same story, different day. Its going to be funny as hell when Nov comes around and the mighty PS4 is nothing different in horse power.
@bluefox755 @urbansys I see you like to talk about what you do not know.360 best selling console in the UK for this generation:http://metro.co.uk/2013/06/27/xbox-360-beats-wii-as-the-uks-best-selling-console-3858990/
@bluefox755 @urbansys And you can thank one country for that. Japan and that is the only reason why the PS3 was able to catch up with the Xbox.
@SurlyPotato @A_Rabid_Dog @urbansys It was not till the end of the cycle did the PS3 catch up with sales against the 360... Oh and 360 out sold PS3 games 2:1.
@Revl8n The last time they did, people complained about it. By the way won't the Xbox be the first console with such a neat feature?
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