usainuk's forum posts
I would hope that they will do I liked sims2 on the Xbox it was cool the way they made it so you could use the sticks to move your character around like in other console games.
that feature would be even better now the sims have a whole town to walk around.
And with new gen consoles being so powerful they should be able to make a resonable version of it.
I can't see why putting the sims 3 onto the 360 would be that hard especially when you consider the amount of rpgs and games like Saints row e and gtawhich have menus as compicated as anything the sims has .
I don't want to have to buy a new pc just to get the sims 3 not only is it expensive but its also complicated to work out which is the best pc to get and not make some mistake like buying a pc that rthe sims and other games will not even work on lol.
I think that there will be no version of this game for the 360 at all though
The first magor disappointment is there is no real character creation or character choice at all so its more two worlds than it is oblivion or even sacred 2 in that way
that german mag may have given it a good review but most of the other reviews (for the 360 version)I have seen haven't been that favorable they say the controls and menus are clunky and that even equping items and finding quest locations are overly unclear and overly difficult to figure out and the game doesn't pause when you are in those menus which makes it even harder.
fighting also apperently comes under the discription of being clunky and made undesirable difficultdue to poor control methods a poorly executed lock on features ect
Apparently the publicity stills give an overly favorable impression of the game and it doesn't look anywhere near as good in reality (at least on the 360)
I will proberly get the game but dragons age interests me much more since it has much more of the elements that I like in games (character customization being able to choose the gender ect of your charcter)
the enforced character choice and bad reviews for this game may mean I may wait a while on getting this game at least until its cheaper and so if I end up hating the game it won't bother me quite so much.
especially since dragon age is only a few weeks away from release
One word. Gladius.Solid_Snake325
you liked that game?
[QUOTE="usainuk"]FahrenheitFoggelFahrenheit was good... in the beginning. It should've been like that through the whole game. I would have to say Grim Fandango.
where did it go wrong for you?
oh two others
Dogs life.
considering the way some people like to blame video games for every evil on the earth up to and including events like columbine its not so suprising that your parents want to put a blame on video games
Are there any games that you thought were going to be really great and were looking really forward to getting but that ended up never getting made.
For me it was
BC for the XBox by lionhead studies (it Sounded like a prehistoric sims game)
Shenmue 3
How could they leave RYO wandering the world seeking revenge without letting him or the gamers find closure !
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