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usedtobefangle Blog

New ones of Laurie now 1month old

the cutest baby everrrr! :D

Asleep with dummy giraffe

Pretending to drive daddy's car lol

Cuddling Mr Giraffe

In her little leopard outfit

Even babies are addicted to facebook ;)

Cutest thing EVER! :)

matching leopard print dressing gowns :)


Giz a kiss :*

My little giraffe with her giraffe :)

Sarah's tattoo

4 week old birthday :D

the little lady in carseat

Laurie Grace Photos

Laurie Grace, born Friday 18th June 2010 weighing 7lbs 3oz.
(Didn't know how to shrink photos sorry)

Laurie's first ever photo :)

Laurie being nosey :)

Laurie with Mr Giraffe :)

Little Stunner :)

Sarah, Laurie and Liam :)

Mother and Baby :)

Laura (Godmother), Sarah (Mother), Bump (Laurie) and Laura (Godmother) :)

Brilliant news

I have no idea whether my old friends are still here but I have some brilliant news.

Sarah had a baby girl called Laurie Grace at 2.21 (BST) this morning. Both mother and daughter are very well. Guess what? I'm a Grandma Laughing

Merry Christmas

Sorry I haven't been on here for ages but things have been rather busy, expensive and down right frightening!

The expensive part is my car - gear box and clutch trouble left me a grand poorer!

Frightening - Becky has had a really bad dose of collitis (luckily not at the same time as the car was off the road as the vets is the other side of Newcastle). She was crying in pain I really thought I was going to lose her. Thank God and the vet she's pulled through, her tablets finished today. Just to show how well she's feeling she's dragged me on ice and snow for her walk, I just wish I had 4 legs it must be so much easier to gain traction!!!!

I wish all my friends a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.

Pets and Friday 13th!!!!

I'm sure my pets are taking it in turns! After Becky's recent experience Cookie began to pull her fur out - why? - I have no idea! She was getting sore patches on her skin so off to the vets we went. She tried to scratch the vet when she gave her an injection so Sarah has the job of giving Cookie the tablets - I want my skin to stay intact :lol: and she is her cat anyway!

Thursday night I went off to bed shattered vaguely thinking of Friday the 13th looming! I was woken just after midnight by Becky stressing, got dressed and out for a walk - she seemed fine, back to bed. Shortly after, it must have been about 2 she was stressing again so dressed and out again - she seemed fine so back to bed. I woke up in the morning to find Becky and her bed covered in vomit and diarrhoea - poor love. Cleaned up and walked her about 7am she seemed fine again. Didn't feed her yesterday so today I've given them both scrambled egg. Becky's asleep now but her stomach was making weird noises so I'm hanging on before I take her out again so her stomach has a chance to settle.

The cat's waiting for her tablet but Sarah's still in bed at 12:03pm!!!!! It's alright for some!

Anyway next Friday 13th I'm going to believe and hibernate :lol:


Thanks for all your kind comments about Becky and myself, except of course Sarah who whinged and whined and took a week off from her new job but still wishes to be matyred now I'm not well :twisted: !!!!

Yesterday morning I went to pick her highness up from work we then went to Shields (North Shields) to buy new phones for us both. I fell for one in the O2 shop which I bought; Sarah saw one she liked but didn't have her debit card so couldn't get it. We went to the Tmobile shop which wasn't any better! Anyway after a few more shops we went to Morrison's I can't remember why or even what we (I) bought but I was intending to buy petrol and check the tyre pressure. When I got back to the car Becky's wound was bleeding, I started driving whilst Sarah phoned the vet. The vet's about 15-20 miles away not much distance but we left Morrisons at 11:11am and had to get there by half past! Firstly the traffic was crawling on Beach Road, then I had to drive to Newcastle, I was doing eighty most of the way, there again most people go faster! In the 30 and 40mph sections I didn't speed but luckily the heavy traffic was moving steadily. Once through Newcastle I broke the limit again but got to the vet's at 11:31. The vet looked at Becky's wound said it was ok, but she was going to have to be coned! Trouble is they only had huge cones or tiny ones so she put one on and suggested that I go to a local vets to try to get another one. So we did the journey in reverse just in the speed limit and got to the local vets just as they were closing £8+ later Becky has a cone that fits.

After all this Sarah wanted to continue the phone search so off we went to Tesco's ( have I ever said I hate shopping? I do I hate it especially with Sarah who loves it and will have me taxiing her from centre to centre :evil:). She wanted to go back to Shields but when we pulled onto the Coast Road it was solid - yet another crash in the usual place. When we finally got moving I refused to go to any more shops so Sarah decided she'd go out with her friend to Whitley Bay for the night something about it being a bubble party at Deep. So of course I had to take her, the traffic was still all snarled up so I came home the long way round. What a day!!!!

So now we have a happy lively Becky cannoning to everything including the ground at full speed. Both of us have nearly been knocked over by her! It'll be fun when Richard comes back tonight!

I didn't hear any knocks last night but saw quite a lot of trick or treaters as I was on the other end of the lead to a crashing Becky. There were loads of fireworks but for once she didn't react maybe the cone deadens the noise, we'll have them for weeks now ( that's another thing I hate fireworks, if they have to exist there should only be displays and only on 1 night - the neighbours complain when I've got the TV on loud for weeks!!!) This morning when I was walking Becky she seemed to have got used to the cone but she was walking with her face pointing up so all the torrential rain was pouring through her cone!

Most Haunted was unbelievable especially when Karl was hung from the gallows - that was horrifying!

Becky and I are recovering

Firstly the most important one! Becky had her operation yesterday, it seems to have been a success. Poor love, when the nurse brought her through her legs went in all directions and she collapsed in a sleepy heap on the floor - she honestly looked like a cartoon dog treading on oil! Sarah carried her to the car and covered her with a blanket. Sarah also had to carry her from the car to the house, (typically the only parking space seemed like miles away) as I was carrying her bag, my bag and shopping. Luckily a very kind neighbour came and helped her. Once in the house she was lain on her new bed and covered with blankets to stop her temperature dropping. During the evening she kept making whimpering noises with occasional screams(!) we just cuddled her when that happened. She ate a little chicken and had a few drops of water. She seems a lot better today but is still a little wobbly on her feet but she's out of the stupor stage. Her poor belly has all been shaved but hopefully that's the end of it.

Me, on the other hand - I've had some really nasty bug. I walked Becky on Wednesday morning feeling like I was going to pass out, I went back to bed and stayed there til Sarah made me get up sometime on Thursday (she's all heart, that girl :lol:). I've now got the most horribly sore throat, I tried to eat yesterday but couldn't even finish ice cream, Drinking is so painful too but at least I've got rid of the headache. I had my flu injection last week as well!!!

Oh well looks like Becky and I will be back to normal soon.

Seeing tonight's hallowe'en I shall walk Becky as normal, slip into the house without lights and watch Most Haunted Live in my bedroom at the back of the house - all knocks on the door will be ignored :D.

News about Becky

Becky was at the vets again yesterday, the big news is on the 30th she's going in for a scan to see where her bladder is and , if it's not too busy and if it's in the right place, an operation to place her bladder correctly. I'm so happy and so nervous ....... happy that hopefully there'll be an end to it and nervous because accidents can happen with an anaethsthetic. So fingers crossed that everything goes well. I've got her other bed in the car from when she used to go in the boot section of my hatchback, she sits on the back seat now.

What a day continued ......

Right where was I? Oh yes, shopping arrived and was put away. Becky somehow decided collitis was not on the agenda; Sarah went to her friends' house in order to have a night out (it's useless trying to talk to her); and I settled down to watch "What Women Want" for the umpteenth time (I love that film but then again I love virtually all of Mel Gibson's films!!!!!). Anyway the credits were rolling when my mobile rang - Sarah couldn't breathe and had heart pains would I take her to hospital? Got dressed got in the car and off to Tynemouth, I picked up Sarah and Laura and went to Rake Lane (proper name North Tyneside General Hospital - it's on Rake Lane so that's what it gets called!). Almost four hours later we left after Sarah had had a heart tracing, and was pronounced to have a virus! I may feel that four hours were bad but two women who were there when we got there, were told there were about 10 people, and any emergencies that came in, before they'd be seen - that was when we were going out! A new trauma hospital is in the planning stage when that's built we won't have emergencies to add to the queues.

Monday was spent in bed by Sarah and she's not showing any signs of appearing today!

Becky and I walked round the park today (I've avoided this during the summer because of the midges) the trees are lovely in their Autumn colours. Luckily there weren't many loose dogs. Did I mention that a West Highland Terrier went for Becky at the vets? It was a really nice, but tiring, walk.

What a day

What a day Becky appears to have started a bout of colitis; Sarah's moping around the house looking half dead (she's been out for the last three nights drinking and then up very early for work - why sleep?) saying she's got swine flu (she'd better not have as I've got the underlying health problems that don't go well with it); and now Richard's been on the phone saying he's dying!!!! He's at his girlfriend's and they were out drinking last night. Do they just have hangovers or do they have something worse? And me? I'm waiting for the delivery van to bring my shopping, he's got 40 minutes then he's late

Today is cold but sunny and I'm back in sweaters and slippers, with jeans of course! I'm sniffly but I'm sure it's nothing worse. I have to get a flu injection the week after next, then I suppose I'll have to get a swineflu one if Sarah hasn't already finished us off!!!

I'm not sure about Becky as she's acting quite normal around the house so I've got my fingers crossed (it's very difficult to type with fingers crossed!) that it's just a false alarm. We're off to the vets again on Friday, last week she was talking about scans and operations, I really hope the tablets kick in more efficiently.

Shopping's here got to go.