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usedtobefangle Blog

Good news (and not so good)

I moved the litter tray and ..... lo and behold ...... Cookie's using it again. How fussy cats can be! I've not even moved it far!

Becky's blood tests were clear, which in a way was good news. Now she's got tablets to tighten the sphincter muscle at the base of her bladder, these are so much easier to give especially if I buy Dairylea triangles! I also have to measure how much she drinks in a day - Saturday and Sunday were both 1 litre, Monday was 1.25 litres - trouble is I don't know if that's a lot or not(?).

Back to the fleas we seem to be winning :D we're having a really cold snap at the moment and I'm refusing to have any heating. So one way or another they are going.

I'm off to the hospital soon, just a check up, but they always want blood and mine is so hard to find - I always bruise, I'm also allergic to elastoplast so have to stop them quick before they put it on. We'll also go through the rigmarole of finding my blood pressure which is always low. Then the doctor will query my tan (it's caused by my illness but it looks like I've spent the last few months lying on a beach somewhere exotic! I don't even sit outside in the sun, I only walk Becky) apparently my medication should stop it but it hasn't in 10 years so I doubt if it will now!

Back to the vet again

We're off to the vet again this afternoon to get Becky's blood test results. I can't remember if I mentioned the blood tests in my rant about fleas! Basically Becky may not be incontinent she may have some underlying problem - I just hope that if she has it's not serious.

Back to the fleas both the cats have been treated along with the whole house, a number of times and they're still around. Cookie's now my best friend again, she's purring away on my lap, while I'm trying to type this one handed! Oh the litter tray is still pristine, hopefully with both Richard and Sarah away this weekend things will settle down again (crosses fingers).

Soooooo happy (oh and b**** cat and dog!)

I am soooo happy Primeval is coming back after being axed three sad months ago it's won a reprieve - for at least two new series. I could almost dance and sing!!! ok I'll calm down!

As for the b***** cat she started to hang out in Sarah's room before she "moved back in" now the cat has stopped using her litter tray ( it's all clean and almost shiny!) and has used Sarah's carpet much to the annoyance of all concerned. Is anyone out there a cat psychologist because I think I need one fast!

Now for the b***** dog, Becky has brought in fleas - ugh. Both cat and dog have been treated, even with an expensive treatment from the vet. There are still some around - I've now taken to brushing Becky with a electronic comb that I bought to treat headlice if my kids caught them, anyway it works but it's so laborious as Becky has thick fur. I'll do the cat if I can ever catch her, one sound out of the comb and she's off - I'm sure she's faster than a cheetah! What makes everything worse I feel so itchy and have started attacking all small black dots with the zapper - most are just imaginary I think I'm becoming neurotic!!!!!

Answers and a new CAT-astrophe

Thanks for your comments to my last blog and thanks for your suggestions a_spod, but the trouble is Becky only has accidents in her sleep - when she's awake she asks to go out. The medication stopped yesterday morning as I'd been up most of the night with Becky vomitting - it could only have been the medication - so back to the vets we go. When she has her special diet it's turkey mince with brown rice, carrots and peas - made by my fair hand!!!!!! The rest of the time she has dog biscuit type food unlike my last dog, Wookie, who would only eat cat food!!!!

historyseeker I think Cookie is a tortoise shell cat Sarah (keiths_sarah) could probably post a photo of her.

Back to the CATastrophe. Here I was messing about on the computer, I stopped to take a drink of tea - Cookie jumped up! I don't know who got the biggest shock but tea went everywhere, the cat fled and I jumped up because of hot tea on my legs. I ran to get kitchen towel and started mopping the key board, the desk and everything on it, and the floor. I have no idea where the cat's hiding - I don't think she'll ever come near me again. The keyboard seems ok but the cursor keys are acting weird which is strange because the tea was at the left side.

I think I'll go and lie down now it's been such a stressful day and it's only 10.30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was trying to write comments on friends' blogs when the cat decided I was her favourite person! She's not come near me for ages apart from for food - but now I'm her best pal! Typical cat! She's been on my lap and keyboard purring away happy as can be - typing all sorts of garbage!

Now poor Becky on the other hand was at the vets again yesterday. She's been wetting her bed at first the vet thought it might be cystitis, but a course of antibiotics and no improvement led the vet to decide she's probably incontinent, poor love. now she's on a different medicine - drops this time, 3 times a day with food! It really isn't fun cos she's suspicious when I give her food that often, I hope there's tablets as a substitute next time. Apparently she'll be on medication for the rest of her life.

The cat's just jumped up again and I nearly lost all this so I'll finish before she does it again!

Not another one.......

Keith Floyd also died yesterday. For those who don't know him he was a very popular TV chef in the 80's - his glass of wine was never far away when he was cooking. Another great loss, my thoughts go out to his partner and friends.

Patrick Swayze RIP

I've just woken to the sad news that Patrick Swayze has lost his battle with cancer. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. He will be remembered in the hearts of millions.

Every thing's changed

Sarah's moved, but that's probably been on her blog, and we have her cat! First it preferred Richard and kept well away from me now it's with me almost all of the time!

I'm still not keen on cats but its' fur is soft and the purr's quite nice but I still prefer dogs.

Becky has finally stopped following Cookie around everywhere, I've even caught them cuddling up together!

How you can be surprised by someone.

I'm amazed by my daughter, she remembered my Dad's birthday even though no-one else did apart fom me. She really surprised me.

People say that it gets easier when you've lost someone you love - they're wrong - Dad died on August 17th 2004 and it still hurts like yesterday. My dog, Wookie, was put down on March 31st 2005 and I still miss him badly. When Sarah and I bought Beckie we went out to find the opposite of Wookie! He was male (obviously!) she's female; both are rescue dogs; he was sandy coloured she's shades of black and white; he was a cross Border Collie she's an English Setter. They're both about the same size (the vet thinks that Becky was a runt) and both have/had wonderful personalities although Becky suffers from separation anxiety and will systematically destroy the house if left alone. We found that out very early on and have always made sure that someone is in the house with her. She also stole food and would hide it around the house, I don't know if she'd still do that. She loves being in the car and never gets stressed about being left alone in it! But she loves to get into the front seats!

I'll get Sarah to put photos of Dad and Wookie on here one day.

I'm back

Hi everyone - it seems like ages since I've been here. Everything's going ok at the moment apart from I'm soooooo tired. I had to get up early this morning to pick Sarah up from work - I seem to be her personal taxi service at the moment!

I hope everyone is feeling as chilled as me!