I hate soccer (and call it soccer, please), but I'm a little interested.Dark__Link
why? It's football and we shall call it such. That thing with the people hitting each other is not football, it's handball.
Because he's talking to a group that's mostly Americans. And handball is another sport. :| True, and is it really that insulting to call it "soccer?" 'Soccer' sounds like a cooler name than 'football' anyway.
What do people hate about Ninja Gaiden 2 so much? I loved it. :? The negative things I can say about it: -the save function is weirder, the first game was normal but this one is strange -the item aqcuiring isn't as deep, you can get through most levels just openning the chests in the level to get healing items without having to spend your essence The biggest positives for NG2: -combat is much faster, as fast-paced and hard as the action was in NG1, NG2 dwarfs it, just keeps you wanting more -much more weapons to choose from, and some of them are just sweet One thing the first has over the second is it integrates the feel of the story better, and the adventure feels a little more complete, NG2 story feels a little "scattered." What do people dislike about NG2 or NGS2 so much? :?
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