@silversix_ said:
Are you peeps crazy with DA:I praise? This is the worst open world (if you can call it that) around. Every single quest, character and location is copy/pasted and is on par with MMO's when it comes to quests. This shit is like Ass Creed but with DA combat system, it was so damn bad. FO4 exploration is excellent, you can't even compare the two. Sure it has some shitty quests BUT they're still better than the garbage in DA:I. DA:I should be compared to ass creed more than anything else, or even FC4, another chore of a title.
Ya'll are drunk saying DA:I is even 1% better than FO4. DA:I was trash and that's coming from some1 who've defend the hell out of this game when it launched. But dozens of hours later, when you've actually explored a good bit of that game, you see the colossal flaws in it. DA:I is the best example of a copy/paste job i've seen in a while. The amount of filler that game had was mind blowing. Felt like an Ubishit game... and i hope to f*ck my Mass Effect 4 won't be ruined by the same garbo game design.
I feel like you're confusing DA:I with DAII.
The level design is different from the Hinterlands to the Western Approach to the Storm Coast. Same thing goes for the dungeons and caves. The only thing the maps have in common is a that they all seem to be fairly mountainous and even then, that's a superficial assumption. Ferelden maps are indeed mountainous but a closer look at Orlais and then out the west it starts to plateau here and there.
I'm not sure where you're getting this "every single quest and character" is copy pasted thing through unless you are referring to the Inquisition requisitions missions. In that case, yes those are copy/pasted but they are also infinite and optional and really only serve as a way to grind out more power for War Table operations.
>Ya'll are drunk saying DA:I is even 1% better than FO4
DA:I has better graphics, voice acting, animations, compaions and story. The combat has still been dumbed down grotesquely but it's still better than FO4's durr shoot, kite, shoot, tactics. The level design is also infinitely superior. I've explored all of FO4 (followed the actual railroads to find the Freedom trail...) and I'm pretty sure it's about the same size as the Hinterlands which is only one of the many maps in DA:I.
I do agree that there is a huge amount of stuff to do in that game though. At least enough to scare, overwhelm and frustrate casuals
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