@zmanbarzel: Box office is hardly the only metric for success. If you rewatch 2004 Hellboy, you'll see that the MCU's DNA is practically built copying that movie. The wit, the emotion, the flippant humor, and making a ridiculous character very relatable are all there. I'd honestly venture to make the claim that without 2004 Hellboy, the Marvel domination wouldn't exist.
Reminds me of the DmC situation. Reboot that none of the fans wanted that tried to appeal to the wrong crowds and failed by all marks to do what the original work did. What a shame. Maybe at E3 in a few years GDT and Ron Perlman will come on stage and say HELLBOY IS BACK.
@DAOWAce: They're already back on tracks lol. Japanese games getting shitty PC ports is a 20 year old story. It barely affects them because PC ports are primarily for foreign audiences.
@sakaixx: Korra, Transformers, and TMNT actually kept the lights on. They were contracted to make them and were paid a sum for their work like a contractor would be. This helped sustain them during the drier years following Bayonetta 2 while they were helping with development of Star Fox Zero and developing Nier: Automata and Scalebound in house. The Scalebound cancellation hit them hard but the gigantic success of Nier, which came out a little over a month later, was a turning point for them. They seem to doing pretty well right now with Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chain as big projects down the line.
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