@Blazen702 Unsubstantiated by a guy that thought 'the cloud' would make XBox One more powerful, and that Sony had 'less experience' with the cloud (it isn't, it's more, Sony has a company that runs all games in the cloud they purchased over a year ago). This guy really wants the XBox One to be more powerful & will say anything to get you to believe it. I'd avoid dishonest presentations of that nature.
Boosting a CPU to a higher hz. That won't cause it to overheat at all.... not that Microsoft consoles are KNOWN for overheating and causing the Red Ring of Death or anything. Anyone that buys an XBox One at launch is a fool.
@Riddick123 @valdarez My Slim is the one that's working fine as well. So based on that track record, in roughly 4 years it'll be safe to buy an XBox One... right?
How many people have an XBox360 launch console that still works today? I've had 4x XBox360 consoles that are bricks. No way in hell I'm buying an XBox One at launch.
@leviathanwing @valdarez Yep. 2x of mine were repaired, only to fail again. I repaired one of mine (have a blog about it), and then one of the last ones I have (original model) is RROD'ing, but will come back after it's RROD, but it will fail before long. Only one that's functioning without RROD is the new elite model. EVERY model based on first line has RROD for me. :(
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