Wish Gamespot would remove this review and post one with more content/explanation of what is to be found in the game. In a decade plus of reading Gamespot this is easily one of the most shallow and least informative reviews I've read. Disappointing as while I may not agree with the rating of the reviewers, I can usually count on GameSpot reviews themselves providing a good overview of what is found in the game.
@TERMINATOR-SSD @valdarez The pricing is definitely beyond ridiculous. It's stupid for what you get. Was hoping they would make changes, but nearly a month in and nothing, despite criticism in every review, and a torrent of backlash of potential fans.
@dudnaito I love the combat, which makes good use of customized combinations and timing for attack and dodge. Going from one attack, to the next, and then dodging, and starting again, is as fluid as it was in Batman Arkham games. That's fluid.
Good review, though I slightly disagree with the camera angels being a problem. When walking around the world, they never get in the way, and when fighting, you're in full control, so if you find a problem with a corner and camera angle, then simply stay out of the corner. Sometimes an ounce of common sense can solve a pounds worth of problem.
This game is beautiful to behold, well written, scripted, and the voice over work is superb. The accompanying sound track is so amazing at times I find myself simply stopping to enjoy the moment in a world whose detail is beyond any game in recent memory.
For older gamers, they will find that Remember Me brings back the same feelings encountered when playing Flashback on the original Sega Genesis all those years ago in the early 90's.
Serious gamers looking for a unique and fulfilling game experience should not pass this one up.
It's funny when I see people say they are level 20 and still haven't found another hero. Level 20 is only about 4 hours of gameplay. And for starters, with free packs, you WILL have received a free character off of the RAFT run and killing green Goblin, and then you'll receive another (3rd hero) when you complete the story, which takes roughly 8 hours.
@TERMINATOR-SSD Agree it's pointless from a visual aspect, but it's not pointless with regards to Power augmentation or defense (especially at higher levels).
valdarez's comments