@GunEye: It will have games across the board running at 1080p 60fps don't believe the non sense disinfo people are saying. 1080p hdtv will have a smoother and detail feel because of that. I am getting the pro as well.
@Berserk8989: That is completely false info on the 60fps. Both regular ps4 and xbox one can achieve 60fps but developers have the choice to either leave it locked at 60 or unlocked. They always prefer graphics over frame rate. There are already ps4 games that have 60fps easily out now. The ps4 cpu is capable of it and the pro is more capable of that easily just not 4k at 60fps though.
Red faction was a good game not going to lie. It was really good but what about fking Metal Gear games? Are they that difficult to remaster. Red dead revolver was a good game as the recend ps2 to ps4.
This game took so long to come out for ps4. I am not excited to play it or have the urge to get it. I like the tomb raider games. My interest just disappeared. Maybe because Uncharted 4 coming out long before killed it plus tons of other great games. I will wait maybe a long time down the line when it is dirt cheap and I am really bored. Will there finally be a new game plus mode that let's you start the game over with your upgrade items because the last game once you beat the game that was it you would just trade it in because you couldn't continue upgrading your weapons due to lack of new game plus?
@dyshonest: Learning to read must be hard for most of you pc weirdos. Stop making up lies. Ps4 pro can do 60fps with no problem they are not trying to split the market with the regular ps4 owners. You don't understand business as most pc people who claim to be smarter than everyone else because they own a high pc rig. Doesn't make you special or that you get special privileges like when you go to eat they say oh he is a pc guy his food is free. Oh buying clothes oh hey just take the clothes you are pc guy it isn't theft. SMH!
Pc people are stupid. It is not that the ps4 pro can't do 60 fps they don't want to lose the regular ps4 people by pissing them off making it 60fps on all games and limiting the regular ps4 games to lower frame rates. It is a business move. The only people hating are dumb ass pc elitist. Shut up and play your pc if you have a pc then play it. It is like a person who owns a Ferrari going to a BMW dealership hating on BMW's they will say you are crazy. Just drive your own car.
@bubba_666: Funny that you said that. My boy is a huge xbox supporter and I have the ps4 even though I did buy an xbox one but returned it after the ring of death thing out of the box when it came out. I don't know why he mentions to me every game is playing at a lower frame rate or resolution that comes out. Yesterday I told him titanfall 2 is so dam good and looks beautiful. Plays so smooth. I am hooked. It kills black ops 3 so he downloaded it and complained to me then I went over his house and noticed how much different it looked. I understand they don't want to push the resolution high because the game will play horrible but now I understand why they are bringing out the scorpio. They need to because the game doesn't deserve to be put out as 720 or 900 on nextgen systems that is not acceptable. I never played the first one but I am getting this game. Dam fun still might not play it as much as battlefield 1 when it comes out.
@sladakrobot: Both of you hit favorites. Flashback was good for its time and shining force I played as a kid. Loved that game. Echo the dolphin was another game. Good graphics and good gameplay. I am probably going to see if they have remake classics for next gen or just buy another sega genesis.
@livedreamplay: They don't make much profit from xbox division. Bill Gates wanted to close it years ago and go back to focusing on windows. They could stop making consoles and stick to software. It won't hurt them. They were a billion dollar company long before xbox.
I knew that was going to happen because Microsoft has been desperate. Sony won't listen to people. Sony ask hey what can we improve on the ps4 in updates. So I said wtf fk psn name changes that is stupid. How about hardware changes first such as an improved battery on the dual shock 4's. I would be happy. Then stop remaking crappy ps2 games and ignoring classics. I am not 5. Papa the rappa come on garbage. Have of the ps2 remakes are garbage that barely anyone bought when it was out. Ps3 remasters. I seriously am thinking about getting the scorpio for the simple fact of graphics but backwards compatibility. One of my favorite games is dead space which you can play on xbox one. So many good games on last gen xbox one has or will allow you to play. I think sony has way more good exclusive games but the weak controller is a turn off and me having to pay ps now to play older games is a turn off. I really believe ms will take over in sales because of the price drop unless the new ps4 slim is cheap and the older ps4 model is cheaper than xbox one Sony will start to lose momentum every month.
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