Zelda really I think between Avatar & The Last Air Bender we've finally come to the point where this movie is possible just keep it out of the hands of Toilet Boll.
I'll take a look at it for sure, but I am not excited about it. I played and beat MGS2 on the PS2 and it was so out there that I just laughed. The game takes itself so seriously but is just ridiculous. During my time playing the game I fought against a guy who had a talking arm with its own personality, a shape shifting vampire, a girl who somehow bent bullets away from her and, my personal favorite, an overweight explosive expert whose preferred method of transportation was rollerblades... Oh yea, I got to each of these bosses with a combination of running around under a cardboard box and dodging terrorist vision cones that extend MAYBE ten meters.
The storyline of the "la li lu le lo" being a secret organization that has ruled the United States since its beginning was fascinating, but everything else was just childish. An explosive expert on rollerblades? Ugh.
EDIT: The roommate has the MGS4 PS3 bundle and he traded in the game the very same day he got the bundle. We "played" the game for roughly 30 minutes and during that time we actually controlled about 5 minutes of it.
It wasn't ridiculous if you played Metal Gear: Solid (PS1) then you'd know Revolver got his right hand cut off and at the end of MG:S all that was let of Liquid Snake was his right arm which was then grafted to Revolver while unconscious from blood loss (before the start of MGS2). Plus the arm didn't "talk" it possessed Revolver Ocelot for parts of the game and believe it or not some people who get transplants have been known to get cravings for foods they hate to eat, take up smoking dispite never having smoked before, even switch from being right to left handed. The possession is revealed in MSG4 to be caused by nannites that carry Liquid's memories and personality but it's through self hypnosis that Liquid comesto dominate Revolver's body. When you grow up you'll under stand the AWESOMENESS of the Metal Gear series but it's the fact you stopped playing MGS3 after thirty minutes that makes me go WTF? (seriously just come to your senses go back and play it again). It's supposed to take 30+ hours to play the game then there is the fact you have to play through the game multiple time to unlock various costumes, weapons, and other goodies. Plus the boss fights in Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty were hardly as easy as your making them out to be I imagine your one of those who filp every game to easy and then brag about how fast you completed it. MG takes it's self seriously becausethe game series is a metaphor ABOUT NUCLEAR ARMS PROLIFERATION a person can't exactly write a comedy aboutit (well okay they could but that's not the point).
My charactor got caught stealing from The Wizard Guild at level 5 so if he needed any magic items it meant trips through the many dungeons, visits to the gates of Hell-Mart, or just hacking a shop owner to pieces. It's been so long sinceI beat that game I highly recomend taking the Assassin's Guild quest as it leads to becoming a vampire and your final mission is AWESOME
I use to think his name was Justin Beaver and that it was the best name a singer could ever hope for. But then I found out how it's actually spelled and pronounced :( and while I never thought much of his singing I never got tired of endless Justin Beaver jokes.
Not resigning Matsui BIG mistake he was pretty much the catalyst for a lot of come from behind wins and I've seen a lot games where Matsui simply by extending an inning can cause a team's pitcher to implode because that picture now has to face Pay Rod or Jeter as the final out of an inning.
Still after all this time I'd put my money on the 5 part "boss" fight from Xenogears it's just a grind one can take on the final boss without defeating his four other components but he'll pretty much kill you inside of three rounds andif you do beat the other four components he's still a monster expect a looong drawn out fight were talking well over two hours.
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