@Talis12 @varuchi yea i know. and i was surprised at the bullsh!t gearbox tried feeding people when selling 1st level cap dlc that it needed re coding everything.
they saw it happening with 1st borderlands when people clamored for level cap. i am sure this time they made prior arrangements for a level cap..
how about u Go eff yourself gearbox!! you r not getting a single dime from me, you greedy bunch. you want to milk borderlands users coz ur other projects fall face first? or u just think people are plain stupid? and tiny tina dlc was broken, buggy and except for some funny narration and quest names it was useless.
@dark_princess29 in ur sister's case xbox shld b better as it can b trained. plus she wont hv to b dependent on any one to change to tv or web browsing or making skype call. just get her a comfy headset n help her train the xbox..
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