Am I an XBOX fanboy if I hate all things Sony, yet own a PS 3 for God of War, and despite my hate, love God of War and actually bought the PS3 (at $600) JUST to play God of War. My PS3 has collected dust since and I've made some reall attempts to like Sony. I got Killzone, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, so i tried the Sony exclusives and found that they SUCK.
SO I tried, I really did, but hate Sony and love XBOX. So am I a fanboy when I bash the PS4?
"adding that the individual codes are "good towards the pre-purchase" of Beyond on the Sony store," - so you give out a voucher for $5 that can only be used to pre=order the game we already pre ordered but it's $60 now???
@lalo4017 "adding that the individual codes are "good towards the pre-purchase" of Beyond on the Sony store," So the vouchers can only be used to pre-order the game...again...
Theses people are supposed to be our leaders and are they really so dumb that they have to ask "Why"? when you have violence glorified IN EVERY MEDIA, not just video games. Every shit song that's on the radio is some wanna be thug/gangster talking about shooting somebody and pimpin hoes. And kids are hearing this at ten!
Add to that the worhip given to guns in this country, and there you have it.
HEY ENGLAND, are your politicians as dumb as ours?
vatorus' comments