@MusclesJAM You must not know who Michael Bay is if you want any of those franchises being handled by them. Its like giving off your child to Charles Manson, but hes also retarded.
I never played KH but I'm glad that the people who have and loved it are getting a new (non spin-off) game. I hope that you guys like it, I know you have been waiting for a long ass time.
@dussan2 HEY! Gamecube was fucking awesome! I would put it above every console since 6th generation in terms of single player gameplay, and for me that is the most important thing. Granted, no online was bullshit but I can look past it considering it had one of the best lineups of all time, not to mention one of the best controllers ever made (in my opinion of course).
@symmetr1calchao The Xbox is 100 bucks more than the PS4. That is a fact.
I don't want the Kinnect. Same with most people, and not just because they are worried about being spied on. Motion controls are almost universally bad, Kinnect is no exception because it is a flawed concept.
PC has a far superior online system. Its free, its flexible and games aren't completely barren every time a new CoD game comes out.
No used games means you don't actually own your property, MS does.
I can build a far superior PC rig for less than $500, and I can get games WAY cheaper. It is factual that your argument is flawed, inaccurate and invalid.
@lorenzoa88 I'm willing to forgive if they are willing to stop being dicks. I really don't care what a companies attitude is so long as they provide a good product, which as of now they wont be.
@whatshannenin @vault-boy They actually said that the Kinnect for the 360 costs about $50 to make, so I'm guessing because this one uses more advanced hardware it will be anywhere from $60-$80, and a controller probably costs an extra $10-$15 to make, package and ship (not to mention build a battery for) meaning cutting those will make the system $70-$95 cheaper to make, so at this point MS has to have their head so far up their ass they are in danger of choking on their own face.
@UNDSIOUX19 Lol just joined today. You gotta wonder, are you getting payed or are MS fanboys that fucking ridiculous to sign up for an entire gaming website just so you can talk about how awesome your shit system is.
vault-boy's comments