Don't quite know what your question was, but my only opinion about the Slim PSP is that, sure it's nice and slim, but Sony should have changed it a lot more (second analog stick)!
That would be great, but there's no news regarding inter-console play yet. I have both a good gaming PC and a PS3, so it would be really great if they would allow them to play together.
I agree with JonDohJersey. Nintendo will surely think of something so original (and hopefully improve the graphics) that nobody could really guess. Nintendo is imo tied with Apple on their secrecy in not revealing a thing about a product until it gets released, so who knows? Still, it would be pretty cool if it employed some sort of full body motion sensing, possibly mind control (seriously), and HD capability (which it will HAVE to have by 2012).
I, personally, never use melee attacks. They are a cheap way to win! The only game I'd ever melee someone in is Gears of War, since they have the unique chainsaw gun.
Nope! Just checked. There's no demo available now, but I really think they should release one. I own Lair and think the controls are very accurate and precise. I had no trouble playing it myself, but I guess other opinions vary.
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