vegetta_oozaro's forum posts
mate i will only talk about what i know!i haveplayed all wild arms games.atfirst,before 9 years i really disliked rpgs,i didnt know and i found them boring.i bought wild arms 1 for ps and it was for a year in my personal collection but i didnt even touch it.
one rainy day i put it in my ps and from then it changed my mind,these series is the best for me due to a lot of things as western feeling , it's characters and twists of plot....
from then i played and own a large amond of rpgs but wa is my best....
i only checke .hack but it didnt attracted me
IMHO a game is good or bad especially judging from its storyline ,then graphics etc...
resident evil 4 is a magniificent RESIDENT EVIL game due to its content ,characters and plot !
IMHO a game is good or bad especially judging from its storyline ,then graphics etc...
resident evil 4 is a magniificent RESIDENT EVIL game due to its content ,characters and !plot
Isn't a zombie defined by it's behavior? The horror and scifi genres have no universally accepted explanation for the cause of zombie infection. The reasons cited range from radiation to voodoo and a hundred things in between. Besides it's good to see a series that was growing stale (mostly because it hadn't improved control) change it up a bit. I think that putting some intelligence and organization into the enemy does not neccesarily take it out of the zombie genre. Less so in fact than giving zombies the ability to sprint at a speed that would make Michael Johnson (olympic gold medalist) envious, such as in 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead. As horror stories are told by new creators they are open to reinterpretation so we shouldn't be so quick to pull RE from the zombie genre. That being said RE4 is the best by a mile. The controls on the old games are some of the worst of all time.
Also Resident Evil didn't invent survival horror it popularized it. The first survival horror game was Alone in the Dark and RE not only took it's gameplay, it also took it's setting of a mansion, and the option of a male or female protagonist. Resident Evil is a lot better but elements of it border on plagiarism.
i really liked your add
I think gamelay wise RE4, but Story wise...the first one was like the first survivor horror game. Nobody knew how to be scared of windows and doors before then hehe. I dont know my opinion shouldnt count much. I dont really like the RE series in general. At its core it was suppose to be a zombie game. Now the bad guys arent even zombies? In the next few games will the infected be any different than the uneffected? If someone ever makes a good zombie game that can be a series then I would gladly like it instead of RE.
I love night of the living dead, dawn of the dead, that 28 ___ Later series. I just dont like genetically mutated stuff like Nemesis and those tongue creatures?? and stuff like that from RE._AbBaNdOn
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