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venom312 Blog

The Silver Ring Thing

last night i got a ring that says i will wait till marrage. i said to God 9-10 years ago i would but now i have this ring i can look at it and see that promise every single day and why i made it. in the bible it says 1 thes 4:3-4 "For this is th...e will ...of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;"

might be back.

well i might be back to stay on here at lest for a little while. just deppends on how many people want me to stay here. so if you want me to stay start posting and we will see where it goes from there

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone welcome to 2009:) i hope everyone had fun last nigh and everyone is save and sound

My youth group

me and my youth group need help in a name... we have the name small groups for group of people that meat during the week and then on sunday is everyone program and we are trying to get a name that is awesome and not lam if you can think of any names please pm or post them here all will help just please dont post and thing rude...ect

Merry late Christmas everyone

Merry Christmas to everyone i hope you all got when you wanted this year i know i did:)i got a 360 7 games a awesome awesome watch that i can put pic on(i put mj on it:))a itunes gift card and a few other things what were you looking forward to but did not get and what did you get?

how my black belt test went....

ok i get there at 8 am and it was so ready to start but it did not start for another hour..there were over 60 people testing for a 1st,2nd and 3 degree..then it started the warm up was 30 minutes wow i was tired then...then the next 1 1/2 hours we were outsite doing stuff kicks mostly...and and just for you all 2 know there were any water/bathroom breaks at all..then we can inside with the main man(gulp)he was not happy at the begining at all when we started he said and i quote*i just said the intructor if any of you were sick..thats why you are doing this board break you need to fix this now or you will not pass you belt testing at all*end of quote...then after a lot of board break even in the air where me and another guy was to sit down then get up and jump up and i have to break the board the first time...then after all this sparing there was just a lot of that..then the fitness test we had to get over 300 before we can pass...i did 57 pushups, 50 situps,194 punchs,105 kick and punchs,and the kicks hat were bad i forgot my score but if you want to know just add all the numbers 2 gether and take off 435 and you will know how many kicks i did...the after all that i have to run a mile then my test was over..and...I AM NOW THE PROUD PERSON TO BE A 2ND DEGREE BLACK BELT ALRIGHT YES(oops all caps:))well i got the belt and i will be able to get the belt to wear on thues day weill i better go bye

the day is here

yep my Blackbelt testing is here...i have waited 1 year for this to change my blackbelt to a 2nd will take a whilt but when i am dont i will try and make a new blog saying how i did...or it will be 2night...thank you eveyone for the surport i am going at 730 will be there at 8:15 then i will wait 45 minuntes to start...well i better go get ready for fun:)i hope we do ground fighting thats a lot of fun well see you all soon bye