MoH is fine, it's just cool to hate it here. (Bandwagonspot) it depends on if you prefer Medium sized maps and a large focus on vehicles or if you like medium to CQC sized maps with less focus on vehicles.
Oh boy I will get flamed for saying that the game wasn't bad.
Sure, add me on steam. I'm not really playing BC2 or Alienswarm anymore, but I could reinstall them, I have everything you listed except Modern Warfare 2, but I'm getting Black Ops when it comes out.
I wouldn't recommend CoD WaW, MP is more or less dead, the single player campaign is extremely short like all the new CoD games. If you're getting Mass Effect 2 be sure to play Mass Effect first, otherwise you'll miss out on a lot (It doesn't cost alot should be somewhere around 10$ or below)
Sadly, there's not really any proper WWII shooters around anymore, I miss one too.
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