I know the Ak-47 is like a 1970's and maybe even earlier gun
Jesus christ, isn't it obvious it's from 1947? It's full name is Automatic Kalashnikov 1947.
I'm also annoyed that they just reskinned the AK-74 Model from Bad Company 2 and used it as the AK 47 in MoH, the model is bad. Also the ton of sounds from Bad Company 2.
[QUOTE="chromedstang"]Hello all. I'm trying to remember this RTS game that I played a few years back I can't remember what it was BUT it was more modern military. You could dig trenches and lay mines. You used humvees and used railways for supplies. I'm trying to remember it and I've been trying for quite awhile. Please help it will be greatly appreciated!PredatorRules
command and conquer generals or World in Conflict
You can't dig trenches in either of those, nor is there any Humvee/Railway supply lines.
Delete your Counter Strike Source folder (And Team Fortress 2 folder with the other guy) This will not delete the game. However you will have to wait 20 seconds or so next time you start the game up.
Dice said it would be developed for PC, then ported to the consoles, it's going to be the actual sequel (If you can call it that) to BF2/2142, they said the Bad Company series weren't.
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