So how do unlocks work now? It seems that they are just randomly given out. Like you dont even have to do anything to get them. HOw does the unlock system work?
Also how do i uber charge the other person. I use the 2nd medic gun, after i get 100% i right click and i only get ubered and not the other player im healing. What am i doing wrong?
Also how do i get hats and all the cool non-usable items?
Hold both buttons at once for the entire duration.
Also, drops works like this(Taken from because I can't be bothered explaining right now due to the engineer update page on the TF2 blog just appeared)
"Fans have had mixed feelings about Valve adding in a way to have random drop items into matches of Team Fortress 2. Now their long running multiplatyer shooter is getting some tweaks. One of them is that instead of "rolling" to see if players get a random item or not the new version "rolls" to finding out when the next drop will be made in the game."
Valve has also put in a maximum limit on playtime per week in which you can get item drops. Finally the rate of item drops is supposed to increase. Valve hopes that the ultimate result is that ordinary players will get item drops more frequently..
Thanks for the answers guys. I have tried m&b but just the original one , not warband.I will try it too. I have played Oblivion for over 5 times and it is not what am i looking for. Also i have tried the thief series but the graphics are dissapointing. Any other game ?
Pirates, Vikings and Knigts II, also a source mod like age of chivalry.
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