Added all of you :>
ventnor's forum posts
Well I'm looking for a few steam friends to play some multiplayer games, as the title says. I'm mainly playing Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, Lead and Gold and Garry's mod. I'm situated in europe, just for the record.
Im a really neat Operation Flashpoint fan and i really want to get Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. But is it worth it? is their people playing in multiplayer? Should i get it?
Oh please, spare your self and don't buy it, I bought it while it was on sale for 7.50€ and I still feel like I've been ripped, it's a horrible game.
Just search for Veldanor and I'll be there for sure anyone else that wants to add me feel free to do so :>
There wasn't much games when I played half an hour ago but it's worth all the money, really a great game. It's still 50% off
Thanks man. I'll be checking out your blog.
Ugh I abbandoned that blog and even changed my sig a long time ago, stupid gamespot.
Legal and legit, should be, their profit is by buying the games in asia/eastern europe where they are cheap then reselling. Atleast that's how most CD Key retailers do.
before flaming me try the game it is really good, IMO it is MUCHbetter then bioshock. the only thing that is annoying about this game is the UT3 engine im really sick of this game engine, try something new! like crytek engine or create your own engine... the UT3 engine is getting really old.
What's wrong with Unreal Engine 3? I'dd prefer it a thousand times over CryEngine 2, besides I don't think CryTek intend selling it out.
First of all the patch is outdated, 1.50 is the proper version it doesn't matter which version you currently have it's Any version to 1.5
Secondly Vista is just bound to trouble, get Win 7, really.
Third of all just for the info if things should still **** up the game runs fine on my Win 7 (64 bit) system
So I just purchased Left 4 Dead 2 (disk version) and put it into my computer and installed it. Now me being a steam n00b I wanted to ask a question. After I installed it steam came up and it said it was downloading Left 4 Dead 2. So does this mean I dont need the disk after? Or can someone enlighten me as to what this is about...
When the game have been activated on your steam account you'll never need the disc again since you can download it from your steam account.
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