1998-2002. No contest. :) PC Gaming was pretty solid up until 2004/2005, and has been sort of sliding downhill for me since. Game developers just have different priorities these days. Instead of appealing to a niche of gamers, every game is now trying to be as streamlined and barebone as possible in an attempt to appeal to everyone. And as a result we're just left with a generation of dumbed-down games with weak stories and tired gameplay.KHAndAnime
Well this pretty much sums up what I wanted to say. But I'm looking forward to the upcoming games of this year, especialyl Portal 2 and Red Orchestra 2
There's no first person medieval games that are decent online, your best bet would be Mount and Blade: Warband or Pirates Vikings and Knights II if it has to be first person.
Was there no special map like at Haloween? Its a shame if not as I really liked that mode. I had a try going on the game a couple of times over Christmas to see if there was any special modes but all I could find was a map named or similar titled to "cold front" (I cant remember if thats the correct name or not) so I was not sure if that was a special map or just a new one in general.Garfield360UK
There was a map and new gamemode, but it isn't christmas related at all, medieval mode.
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