Seeing what the battlefield 2 demo became it looks like dice learned that multiplayer demo's was a bad idea.They had the closed beta tho' I got a key the day after I signed up for it.
Remember it's only a what if, but here we go.What if valve never had existed and none had made something alike steam half life, counter strike, etc.Discuss.
The source engine will not date before.. well.. a new version of it is released. I somewhat hope that's whats making EP3 taking so long. But as someone above me said I don't think it will become another duke nuken forever.
I didn't like the mage class really, on the other hand I only played mage for a few hours.Currently I play warrior as DPS and like it.
If he just wants to run MW2 it's fine.. I could run it on a computer with 1.6 Ghz, 1.5 GB RAM and a 2600 HD and that was on max. settings no lag.
[QUOTE="ventnor"]Alright, I made a movie too! bad, not bad. But you need to remove that Health bar. You can do so by typing cl_drawhud 0 in the console menu.The sparta part was cool.Heh, yours inspired me ^^ didn't know about the healtbar thing tho' thanks!
get both, the devs really deserve the moneyArtosaTrue, but if he doesn't feel like paying double for a game he shouldn't.
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