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I'm trying out this union thing

I'm doing this union thing. I think it's really cool and makes sharing your stuff alot easier/ I really think their super( maybe even super-duper!!!!!!!!!!) so will see how it goes. I sent out my charter member requests and we'll see how many I get back. wooohoo I'm pretty excited I think I chose a good topic freethinkers board (disscussion about whatever) and I'm hoping to get some good discussion going as oppsed do you think his or that yes or no type questions i see on a lot of other boards. So yup I'm pretty excited and looking forward to talking with y'all9 that is if I can get it off the ground)

culdcept is weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I just started playing it again. it's really weird but it's also very relaxing eventhough I'm getting my butt wouped. and I played my ds for the first time in two weeks friend broght one of his cords over. so yeah. Also I jumped rope 400 times today and only 2000 of those times were voluntsry( my mom made me jump 300 times cause I left my socks on da floor errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). G-dI wish I had somthing more interesting to put in here. sorry to all 0 of the people who read this):

joke of the day

why did the monkey fall out of the tree? He died! why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? He was stapled to the first monkey~!!!! Why did the thrid monkey fall out of the tree? Peer pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today was an a day at school

DOOD I GOT 3 A's at school today yeah for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got an 91 on my chem test yay for me and I got a 90% on my vaudville act in improv class YAAY for me !!!!!!!!!!!!! And I got an 93% on my spanish test eventhough I got a point and a half off for not putting accent marks poooooooooo I should have had a 95% but yay for me anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to clebrate I think I will go to white castle, donde esta el cheetah?????

I love you.... and pie

yeah I just got back from the ski trip and it was cool. we skied 3 mountains in the upper paninsula which is michigan. We went to Indianhead,blackjack then powderhorn which was the worst. Well that's really it me and my mom are gonna catch the stargate sg-1 and stargate atlantis from Friday ( it is on teh replay TV) peace out word-up and all that jazz.

teh french toast was teh awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday me and my mom went to this cooking class and we made french toast stuff with bananas and it was real good. the cooking class was kind of like Emerril without all the Bam and the what have you. yup and I'm also joing one of my friends intermural rugby team. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RUGBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will be teh bomb. I hear its a lot like football minus the pads sounds like a sportsgasam I can't wait to start playing.

today I got in touch with my inner JOO

Yeah I went to play dodge ball wih a bunch off jews. Yeah these jews were like uber jews. Some of them just got back from a nfty ( Which is the national federation of temple youth by the way) convention is Los angeles. I mean the flew all the way to L.A to go to a jew convention. That's like uber jew of them. so anway yeah we played dodgeball and then we went to chipotle. I dunno if you have ever been there or if they have them were you live but it is a total omg of a mouthgasam. It is like so uber buritolicious. Yeah so anyway I don't know about you guys but all the jews I know ae obsessed with chipotle. Like seriously this one girl ate almost 3 burritos it was insane!!!! G-d I could barely eat one 1. Them burritos are ginormous!!!!! yeah Jews who live in Chicago like mexican food (; If you know what I mean ( hmmm I wonder what I mean.....??)
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