Haha I was actually about to mention that. Where was all this outrage back when FF7 and 8 got ported to PC?UT_Wrestler
in their defence FF7 and FF8 were horrible ports. ( having played both before owning a PSX but it is true that you did get final fantasy on your PC. yet that argument doesnt hold water cause those were different times and sony and the whole psx franchise was still fighting Nintendo. its much much different now. Sony is now an established console maker which has rose to nintendo's level and the fanboys are just proof.
personally i find the whole thing absurd really. if SE had said it was no longer going to be on the ps3 id understand the uproar but its thats obviously not the case. also the whole issue of M$ spending money to temp SE and other sony exclusive developers, didn't sony spend billions convincing movie studios to change to blue ray? wasnt that in order to crush M$'s HD DVD and the 360 as a HD DVD player(which worked).its called business folks. sony pushes blue ray in an attempt to solidify the ps3 in return M$ buys out the developers to devalue it. this is what happens during console wars. reminds me of the sega vs nintendo days.
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